Sunday, 27 November 2011

Computer Crime

I would love to honestly be able to say that computer crime does not exist in the world - but I can't, because it does. When you're talking about the bad stuff that people do with computers, hack-ing truly is at the bottom of the list, and it certainly is the farthest removed from traditional crimes -things like murder and burglary
which we feel in our hearts are wrong. True hacking is victimless, so it is in my way of thinking only vaguely a crime. Perhaps it is immoral or wrong, but there is much worse that can be done.

Computer crimes come in seven basic catego-ries, all of which are related to the concept of "hacking" in some way. The seven categories are financial theft, sabotage, hardware theft, software theft, information theft, and electronic espionage. The seventh "crime" is computer hacking.