Behind all these lofty notions lies the tedious and compelling act of the hack itself. Hacker-monikered "The Knightmare" presents his complex view of hacking in Secrets of a Super Hacker. In this classic hacker cookbook, the author has gone to great pains to explain the massive width and breadth of hacking, cracking, and com-puter security. With Sherlock Holmes-like compul-sion and attention to detail, he presents the history of hacking, the how-tos of hacking, the legal and ethical issues surrounding hacking, and his own personal reasons for hacking. Numerous examples and "amazing hacker tales" take the reader inside
each level of the hack. Reading Secrets will change the way you look at computers and computer se-curity. It has already been very valuable to me. I am a smarter computer/net user now and. much more attuned to computer security.
When Patrick McGoohan conceived of The Prisoner he wanted to create a show that would de-mand thinking. He wanted controversy, argu-ments, fights, discussions, people waving fists in his face. You might love the show, you might hate the show (or both), but you would HAVE to talk about it. Computer hacking and the wooly frontiers of cyberspace are similar domains of controversy. In the true spirit of freedom of information, Secrets of a Super Hacker is being made available to anyone who cares to read it. It is my hope that it will help keep the debate alive and that those who make use of its privileged information will do so responsibly and without malice.