One thing I've done is to take an old, unused terminal I found hiding in a basement storage facil-ity, and wire it up to a portable computer. At about four in the morning I smuggled the thing into the computer lab, and replaced a terminal that was already there with my own, connecting the cable to the portable.
I hid the portable under the table. It was a wooden table with an overhang. I used an electric stapler to make an old pair of cut-off jeans into a pouch that hung down from the underside of the table, and I enclosed the portable within it. I had the portable programmed to save on disk the first ten characters that appeared after
"Usernarne:" and "Password:". Basically, the portable acted as a rnonitoring device, working between the terminal and the mainframe. It worked well.
The only thing that didn't work out was when I replaced the computer room's original terminal a week later. The guy thought I was trying to steal it.
There have been hackers who've taken old terminals, opened up the plastic casings, and hidden little computers inside the terminals! There was not enough room in the terminals I was using to do that, but in certain situations that would be a preferable thing to do. Make sure the computer you put in and any wiring
associated with it stays sepa-rated from the internal goings-on of the dumb terminal. When hackers hide portables in this way, they are generally putting their computer inside an otherwise hollow, bulky base of the terminal.