Cannot Verify Your Claimed Identity Or Might
Know You Are Not Who You Say You Are
Know You Are Not Who You Say You Are
Social engineering suffers because to the person you call, you are an enigma - someone they do not know personally. Besides, you never know if the person on the other end of the line has been tipped off that you are lying about your identity - using cues such as Caller ID, a distinctive in-house tele-phone ring, or a knowledge
of employees and protocol. In any case, magic passwords might not be readily given to "mystery technicians" and "perplexed users" with modem troubles.
BUT in reverse SE, those who know the words of passage have no reason to suspect you of deceit: you are the one they call for advice. You are the one who is going to help them out of their misery. In fact, when they call you, you can legitimately request that they identify who they are. It is a matter of security, after all.