When you go out on a public hacking expedi-tion, you'll want to be prepared by taking along your PACK: Public-Accessible Computer (hacking) Kit. This kit should include:
Plenty of blank, formatted disks, in both 3%" and 51/4" sizes, so you can quickly copy the menu's security programs. Make sure these disks are the proper density for the drives you will be using.
Auxiliary programs, such as superzappers and other utilities. You will also want to bring any special programs you have written (such as menu simulations, as discussed in the next sec-tion). Public domain programs are available to shut off the internal speaker. This can be useful if you're hacking a computer that lets out a loud and suspicious beep every time a wrong pass-word is entered.
Other tools: A Swiss Army knife is good, or at least bring a little screwdriver. Very often, es-pecially on CD-ROM workstations, you will find locks or covers placed over the disk drives to limit access. A large, unbent paper clip is handy for hacking Macs. If you have to leave in a hurry, you can slip the end of the paper clip into the hole next to the disk drive, and your disk will pop out. That's often the fastest way to eject a disk.